Looking for inspiration for your new guinea pig’s name? Or maybe you just need that extra push to help you finalise a name choice. Then, you have come to the right place!
Here are our best guinea pig names. We hope these fun, unique, and traditional names give you some inspiration during this exciting time as you try and figure out which fits best for your new furry companion.

Top 10 Guinea Pig Names
There are so many fabulous piggy names in this list - it’s hard to narrow it down to our absolute favourites! However, we think we’ve just about managed it. Here are our top 10 picks when it comes to naming your guinea pig.
- Lucky
- Domino
- Bubbles
- Honey
- Cinnamon
- Buttercup
- Tinks
- Reggie
- Coco
- Pippin
Top 10 Female Guinea Pig Names
Female guinea pigs are known as sows, and we know how important it is that you find the perfect title for your piggy princess. Check out our prettiest suggestions below!
- Pixie
- Lily
- Primrose
- Dolly
- Bluebell
- Cleo
- Poppy
- Winnie
- Astrid
- Pandora
Top 10 Male Guinea Pig Names
Male guinea pigs are known in the piggy community as boars. They grow larger than females and tend to have a reputation for being a little hot-headed and messy, but they are sweethearts nevertheless! Let’s give them a name that befits their fearless nature.
- Rocky
- Basil
- Winston
- Gus
- Sherlock
- Charlie
- Percy
- Bailey
- Milo
- Albert
Top 10 Unique Names for Guinea Pigs
Here are 10 names that really describe the specificities of your piggy pal - from the markings on their coat to the type of breed they hail from.
- Dot or Dotty
- Marble
- Fuzzy
- Peach
- Pepper
- Hazel
- Carmel
- Ash
- Spot
- Abby (Abyssinian)

Top 10 Funny Guinea Pig Names
For a daft nickname for your guinea pig, be creative by playing on their appearance, their unique personality, or even try out some witty puns!
- Miss Piggy
- Squiggles
- Piggy Stardust
- Chubby Cheeks
- Captain Cuddles
- Pork Chop
- Princess Peach
- Whizzer
- Godzilla
- Mr Fluffles
Top 10 Destination-Inspired Guinea Pig Names
If you’re a jet-setter at heart, why not name your piggy after your favourite vacation destination or an exotic location you’d love to travel to? These stylish names will be just the ticket for your world-class piggy.
- Kyoto
- Dakota
- Sicily
- Bali
- Odessa
- Vienna
- Florence
- Dallas
- Morocco
- Paris
Top 10 Nature-Inspired Guinea Pig Names
For a sweet-natured guinea pig who loves a run in the garden, why not be inspired by nature in your naming choice? Go for a long walk and tune into your surroundings - you’ll undoubtedly find plenty of lovely names to inspire you in the natural world.
- River
- Nova
- Ivy
- Rose
- Cloud
- Daisy
- Sage
- Reed
- Flora
- Willow
Top 10 Food-Related Guinea Pig Names
Food is always a popular choice for guinea pig names, after all, your piggy is a big foodie through and through. And with the cute options below, it’s easy to see why!
- Butterscotch
- Mocha
- Toffee
- Berry
- Peach
- Olive
- Nugget
- Custard
- Mousse
- Popcorn

Top 10 Names for a Guinea Pig Pair
If you’re finding it difficult to find a name for one piggy, then it’s double the decisions when you’ve got two little piggies to bring home! Why not try out some of the fun names below for your cuddly duo?
- Sol and Luna
- Cloud and Rain
- Orion and Celeste
- Peanut and Chestnut
- Dawn and Dusk
- Pumpkin and Spice
- Winter and Summer
- Rosemary and Sage
- Ava and Evie
- Clementine and Tangerine
Top 10 Names for Brown Guinea Pigs
There are endless colour combinations throughout the cavy community, but brunette piggies are a standout shade worthy of recognition. Here are some ways to honour those chocolate tresses in your guinea pig name choice:
- Brandy
- Brownie
- Fudge
- Moose
- Rolo
- Nutty
- Cookie
- Caramel
- Bruno
- Biscuit
Top 10 Names for White Guinea Pigs
Whether you have a Himalyan piggy or a Lunk with an overflowing mane, these names pay homage to your guinea pig’s dreamy white coat.
- Pearl
- Opal
- Snowflake
- Sugar
- Chalky
- Blossom
- Luna
- Frosty
- Misty
- Casper
Top 10 Names for Black Guinea Pigs
Mysterious, dark and handsome, black guinea pigs are striking in appearance and deserve a name to match their smouldering looks.
- Smokey
- Peppercorn
- Ebony
- Oreo
- Jet
- Midnight
- Pepsi
- Smudge
- Inky
- Bramble

Top 10 Names for Ginger Guinea Pigs
Many guinea pigs today display coat colours and patterns on the gorgeous ginger spectrum. For those with fiery locks, we’ve got the name covered!
- Ginny
- Brandy
- Nutmeg
- Ruby
- Amber
- Treacle
- Rusty
- Jaffa
- Maple
- Autumn
Top 10 Names for Fluffy Guinea Pigs
For those with long-haired guinea pigs, their manicured mane can be a truly impressive sight to behold! Here are some names that pay homage to their luscious ‘do.
- Fuzzy
- Teddy
- Creampuff
- Curly
- Patches
- Shaggy
- Silkie
- Puff
- Harry
- Bear
Top 10 Disney Character Names for Guinea Pigs
Who doesn’t love a good Disney film? Your favourite movie characters are a great place to find unique name inspiration for your cute cavy!
- Elsa
- Bambi
- Simba
- Belle
- Ariel
- Tinkerbell
- Tarzan
- Minnie
- Boo
- Dory
Bonus: How to Pick a Guinea Pig’s Name?
If you’re looking to adopt a piggy (or two!), there are several important steps to consider when picking your guinea pig’s name:
- Choose a name that is easy to remember, and more importantly, easy to say! A long name may seem perfect at first, but if it’s too much of a mouthful, it’s not going to work on a daily basis.
- Avoid choosing a name that sounds like a command.
- Make sure the name you choose is not too long. A longer nickname may be fun, but you’ll likely find yourself shortening a name that is too many syllables, anyway.
- Avoid choosing a name that is very similar to another family member's or pet's name. This is an important one because you don’t want any hoomans or animals getting confused!
- And lastly, the most important point - have fun and be creative! There is no right or wrong answer when choosing your piggy’s name. As long as you love it, it’s a winner in our eyes.
If you’re still struggling to find the perfect name for your guinea pig, then here are some additional questions you can ask yourself to make this decision easier:
- Do you like names that suit a piggy’s hair colour?
- Do you want a name that suits their hair type or breed?
- Do you prefer cute, funny, or unique names?
- Do you have a favourite Disney or movie character you could name them after?
- Do traditional hooman names appeal more to you (these can be super cute, too!)?

New to guinea pig parenthood?
If it’s your first time venturing into the world of piggy parenthood, know that you don’t have to figure everything out alone! We’re here to help with plenty of resources on each step you need to take to ensure your furry family thrives. Here are a few blogs to get you started:
Decide whether to house your guinea pigs indoors or outdoors
Find the right guinea pig cage size based on the number of piggies you have
Compare all available guinea pig bedding options to find the one that’s best for you
Learn more about guinea pig care with our guide
And once you’re ready, check out our cages, liners, and accessories designed by small pet experts to meet all of your piggies’ needs.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our suggestions for guinea pig names! If you haven’t chosen a name from this list, we hope that you’ve found some inspiration in the categories listed above. Remember, there is no time constraint when choosing a name, so whether you decide before or after you bring your piggie home, make sure you choose a name that you and your guinea pig will both love for the long haul!